new Teacher

New Teacher

From July Irene will support us. We would be happy to introduce you in more detail.

Irene lives an active lifestyle, moves a lot in nature, be it on foot, on a bike or on skis. She enjoys traveling around the world to explore new places, loves good food as well as spending time with loved ones. Originally, Irene worked in traffic and human resources for several international oil companies. Later she changed to the fiduciary industry, where she trained as a finance and accounting specialist with a federal certificate.

Early on she discovered her great passion for exercise. In 2009, she completed a 3-year secondary education as a movement teacher and has been teaching various movement classes for young and old ever since. Teaching has always been a very nice balance for Irene to the sedentary work in the office. Some time ago Irene visited Claudia Hunkeler's lessons as a client. Her motivation was to find a workout for herself and she immediately fell in love with Pilates training. Since then, Irene can be found regularly in the studio and in May 2023 she completed her training to become a certified Merrithew Stott Pilates trainer in Matte. Today, Irene can no longer imagine working in an office and has chosen to focus her career entirely on the movement world.

Her goal is to create a "happy Place" for participants where they are allowed to be themselves, grow beyond themselves physically and mentally, and develop the awareness that with the right mindset, you are capable of much more than you think.

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