STOTT PILATES - Reformer Training

The reformer's mobile base is adjusted with tension springs of different strengths and accordingly demands more, coordination or balance. Depending on the choice of the tension springs, exercises can be facilitated and supported or intensified. The cable pulls are used to move the sled with the arms or legs. On the reformer can be trained lying, sitting, kneeling or standing. This results in countless exercise variations. The different accessories, such as Pilates Box, Jumpboard or Cardiotramp make the training even more interesting and multifarious.

Our Prenatal Reformer course is specifically designed for expectant moms, offering a safe and effective way to stay fit during pregnancy. You will train on the Reformer or the Chair to gently strengthen your muscles, enhance flexibility, and improve overall well-being. The exercises help prevent back discomfort, improve posture, and support preparation for childbirth.

Beginners are well served with our introductory course.

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